
March 31, 2009

Orter Make a Four Patch

Or I Orter clean my working wall with a lint roller more often...But these 4 sticky tapes of Orts were so pretty I had to sew them into a block. After all, who thought we'd all be making items out of selvege edges? Stay tuned, I have a neat one of those coming up soon.

The curiosity is how all the greyish background pet hair gets up there. Do they pin themselves up at night while I'm dreaming sweet dreams of finished quilts?

In truth I roll the wall every time a project comes off of it. Quilters are certainly stringy people~

Tuesday Thankies
Yoga Tonight!
White kitties with blue eyes


Anonymous said...

Aaahh! The memories ......... of projects past ...... and present!
Just think, every time we vacuum or sweep our sewing space we put our memories in the bin! I think we should do more sewing, less cleaning.
Judy B

Anonymous said...

The penny has dropped! I have looked at your other blog several times without knowing it was your other blog! I have now added it to the blog roll of my other blog, and hope I remember who Sharyn is!
Judy B ...... after another coffee!


I have all that stuff plus fiber. Fiber everywhere, including in your mouth when you try to eat. I'm looking forward to what you are making with this and the selvedges.
I'm off to Knit Knight.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Quilters are known by the threads they wear.