
February 22, 2009

Sewing In The Bone Yard

I find comfort in a good old fashioned cemetery. I've been known, on a beautiful spring or summer day, to throw the dogs in the car and do a bone yard run, visiting many family and friends who have preceded me in death as the obits say...What I've been doing the last few years is buying little metal stands at the dollar stores, probably meant for the smaller garden flags, and hanging metal wind chimes on them at the gravesides. It gives me comfort to hear and think of them, softly singing to those I miss so much.

I love stopping at old country graveyards, seeking out the pithy inscriptions on the lichen encrusted slab style stones, reading the dates and connecting them to their places in history. Do you bone yard?

The worst job I ever had was receptionist at a law firm with nine attorneys. The only thing that made that job worth getting up for was the beautiful cemetery next door where I'd take my sack lunch and stitching and let the tension roll off my shoulders. A favorite spot was on a corner under a tree where I could see the marker for a little 6 year old boy. Every couple of months the tokens at the headstone would change. Little wheeled cars, rubber dogs and cats, a Little Golden Book... I don't have children but I could certainly empathize with the loving grief of his family.

Sunday Thankies
My new Graven Images Oracle
Jewel Quest Solitaire
Google Maps


The Numismatist said...

This might sound odd, but I don't go to the cemetery where my father rests unless I am taking my Mom. However, when we are on vacations I love to wander around small town cemeteries.

A few years ago while in Elko, NV I took a walk to stretch my legs from the long car ride. Found a marker that was an old wooden cross with a name pounded it in with flathead nails. Nothing else. It was wonderful.

I love the term "bone yard run" and think your wind chimes are a neat idea.

Nancy said...

I like to wander through the cemetery, too. I enjoy looking at the unique headstones in the older sections. When I was in college, I would go to the cemetery to study under the trees.

Lady Farmer said...

You sound just like my oldest daughter! When she lived at home, if we passed an old cemetary while on vacation, she would make us stop and go look at it. She thinks there is "something romantic" about them.??? Go figure!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Cemeteries are a great place to visit - and wander through. The other day on a very foggy morning we were driving past our local cemetery and there appeared a boat in the mist. That was exciting!

Grandma Shell said...

There's a cemetary about a mile away that dates wayyy back and also (unfortunately) is still used. I, too, love to walk through there and read all the old inscriptions.