
December 23, 2009

Beginnings and Endings

May all of the best the season has to offer bless you and yours, my friends.
As we have transitioned to the home hospice stage of care for my father-in-law there is a lot less for me to do so I've taken my sewing machine out and set it up on the dining table just a few steps from his bed. He keeps asking me what I'm doing, and I keep saying I'm making a quilt. Then I laugh because for four days I've been busy making a quilt and so far he hasn't seen a single piece of fabric or a needle. He just shakes his head, assigning my actions to one more dementia symptom. Mine~

He has seen a pile of manila folders getting used up

A stack of virgin 16# onion skin paper being covered with odd shapes
He has seen me standing at the dining room window tracing the onion skin shapes onto the folders
Those cut out shapes have gone into little zip-lock baggies
My mind copes with the end while my hands create the beginning

Wednesday Thankies

Little Pembroke's willingness to assume her part of the team, giving comfort by remaining curled up by Gene's side
Simply Fresh 100% orange juice
Flannel sheets


Pam said...

special seasons wishes for you and Rob, Gene and Hazel and all your 4 legged family members


You are a saint, my friend.

Jayne Honnold said...

I've been so touched by the bittersweet nature of your blog posts. You are a saint to take such good care of your in-laws. I hope your Christmas is blessed in many special ways.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
Judy B

Fabric Fanatic said...

Sharyn, I echo the sentiments above. I love your approach to this road you've chosen to walk with your in-laws and know that you are a blessing to them in every way. I can only hope that you are likewise blessed in your last days. To find humor and sweetness in the midst of it all says so much about your character. I read your blog and come away hoping I can stretch to become more.