Inside at the funny farm FIL continues to pull back slowly from the brink but classic sundowning has been added to the mix of things to plague him, bless his heart. If I can sweet talk MIL into sitting next to the bed and verbally cuddling with him, after about 15 minutes he goes right off to sleep. MIL carries her own childhood baggage as do we all, and she considers this spoiling behavior and last night she wouldn't do it. So we ended up with panic attacks well into the wee hours. We have a new oxygen concentrator and I must have checked it thirty times trying to
How's this for a twist in today's modern medical practitioner? I'm looking for a new doctor for MIL and the one we've heard the best things about is going to be accepting a few new patients in January...but we have to go by the office and pick up an application; from those apps they will be choosing whom they take. Insert thunderous frowny face here. They will see her age (86) and drop it in the round file. She is in better shape than I am in many ways, and still walks four miles a day whenever she can get out. It's a weird old world isn't it?
Monday Thankies
Honey Bees
Mason jars
Flannel sheets
You've been a busy bee! Very cute post. I love honey, especially in the winter with hot tea! Enjoy yours this winter!
Again - my sympathies to your FIL - what a time this is for all of you. May peace follow you as you take on more. You are a grand person!!!!
Beautiful honey Sharyn. My step dad had bees for a number of years, basically until he was unable to care for them. Hope you're staying warm over there. I enjoy your posts and your eye for photography.
You are doing such a fantastic job for Rob's family. I am thinking of you daily
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