
May 31, 2010

Idle Hands, Devil's Playground

No idle hands here. I said last fall I'd be bringing the bees home when FIL was gone. That job will probably be next weekend. Wait until dark when they are all inside, seal up the hives, bucket load them onto the pickup, whiz home, set them up in the dark, unseal, and eureka, hives are in Kalama.

The hard part? Take a look at this frame for comb. And this is a good one... Remember December before last we had big flooding in Chehalis? Most of FIL's hives were flooded, only two survived. He indicated he'd taken care of the empty hive boxes. Ermmm, No. He'd stacked them out of sight out of mind. So it falls to me to clean up musty moldy boxes. Yick. I still have at least 25 boxes left to do and it seems like I've already done a million. On the other hand, with all the beeswax I've ground into my blue pair of diva gloves they will be water proof into the next millennium.

Another chicken toy here on the right. You've heard of soap-on-a-rope? How about cabbage on a chain? They are loving this game, for the second cabbage I had to shorten the chain up :)

On the bread front, yesterday I made Bob's Red Mill Basic white bread recipe from the side of their flour bag, except I substituted 1/2 cup teff flour for 1/2 cup of the white. Beautiful results and extra yummy this morning for breakfast with my hot Kamut. Teff grain is from Ethopia.

Monday Thankies
A world of ingredients
honey bees
tea lights


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - what a big job those bee hives have turned out to be. But the thought of toasted home made bread with your own honey sounds wonderful. How long does it take for the bees to make honey?

Grandma Shell said...

What is teff? I'm sensitive to gluten so this sounds interesting. I really miss our bees but I know dh wouldn't be interested in having more. They can be WORK!

bleason said...

Sharyn, your bee hives generated two thoughts. First, my late father (Elmer) always had bees. My children treasure the memories of our vacations to his 80 Oklahoma "farm." He always smoked the hives for their benefit. There is nothing like fresh farm honey.

The second thought is about my past week-end. We canned about 50 jars of plum jelly gained from our two plum trees. The trees were so productive, we could not give away all the plums that were harvested. I wish I could trade you a jar or two of plum jelly for just one jar of your honey.
